Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Dawn of Darkness

This short story was written for the  Goodreads M/M Romance Group annual writing event.

Weston Abbott dreads his future as a genetic condition slowly robs him of his sight. Withdrawing from society, he makes his peace with living a dark and solitary life, spending his time riding his stallion, Darkness. He never expected to find hope and happiness in his future until his mother hired Christopher Finnegan to work at the family stable.

Chris has heard barn gossip that accuses Wes Abbott of being useless as a rider and wasting the potential of his well-bred stallion. Watching them in secret, he discovers that Wes has been hiding his skills, and that Darkness is even better than the rumors suggest. Aided by Wes’s mother, Chris begins a campaign to encourage Wes to show off his skills as a horseman, and come out of his isolation. Chris’s vibrant, outgoing personality is hard to resist, and Wes begins to believe that there may still be hope and light in his coming darkness.

You can find a copy free for download at M/M Romance Group and it will be included in the group's anthology at the end of the year. 

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